The holidays are a time of joy, comfort, family and tradition for many in our community. For others, the reality is that this season can be filled with anxiety, grief, and loneliness. 

Newton’s social workers note that, most likely, we all experience a mixture of these emotions during the holiday season when stress increases and obligations feel constant. Stress can impact us all differently and they suggest we take time to care for ourselves to ensure our overall health and well-being. Caring for ourselves may include saying “no” without guilt, asking for help without shame or embarrassment, treating yourself with kindness and compassion, and finding time for a walk outside, for adequate rest, and for healthy nutrition.  

Our social workers in Newton’s Health and Human Services Department have gathered mental health resources and substance use resources should you or a loved one need additional support during this time. Please call 617-796-1420 to speak with the team in Social Services.